Coverage report of AIS DS2 DUT last updated at Sun Jun 7 14:45:32 EDT 2009
ais rising edges indication 51655
ais falling edges indication 50068
frame with only 2 zero bits: Locations are 0 and 3155, 7 and 3155, 0 and 3148, 7 and 3148.
cov_0_3155 KO
cov_7_3155 KO
cov_0_3148 KO
cov_7_3148 KO
Detects the case of two back to back frames each with one zero bit at the very first location.
cov_b2b_0_0 KO
input bytes with number of zeros while in AIS
number of zeros= 0 Occurrence= 1
number of zeros= 1 Occurrence= 8
number of zeros= 2 Occurrence= 28
number of zeros= 3 Occurrence= 20
number of zeros= 4 Occurrence= 19
number of zeros= 5 Occurrence= 15
number of zeros= 6 Occurrence= 3
number of zeros= 7 Occurrence= 5
number of zeros= 8 Occurrence= 1
input bytes with number of zeros while in not AIS
number of zeros= 0 Occurrence= 1
number of zeros= 1 Occurrence= 8
number of zeros= 2 Occurrence= 28
number of zeros= 3 Occurrence= 46
number of zeros= 4 Occurrence= 25
number of zeros= 5 Occurrence= 28
number of zeros= 6 Occurrence= 5
number of zeros= 7 Occurrence= 6
number of zeros= 8 Occurrence= 1
internal signal data_valid_cur_byte valuesEach value should occur at least one time.
00 OK 01 OK 02 OK 03 OK
04 OK 05 OK 06 OK 07 OK
08 OK 09 OK 10 OK 11 OK
12 OK 13 OK 14 OK 15 OK
internal signal regf_num_of_zeros_in_byte_q valuesEach value should occur at least one time.
00 OK 01 OK 02 OK 03 OK
04 OK 05 OK 06 OK 07 OK
internal signal regf_p1_ts_valid_shifted valuesEach value should occur at least one time.
00 OK 01 OK 02 OK 03 OK
04 KO 05 OK 06 OK 07 OK
08 KO 09 KO 10 KO 11 OK
12 KO 13 OK 14 OK 15 OK
internal signal valids_mask_for_expired_ts valuesEach value should occur at least one time.
00 OK 01 OK 02 OK 03 OK
04 OK 05 OK 06 OK 07 OK
08 OK 09 OK 10 OK 11 OK
12 OK 13 OK 14 OK 15 OK
internal signal regf_p1_ts_valid_q valuesEach value should occur at least one time.
00 OK 01 OK 02 OK 03 OK
04 OK 05 OK 06 OK 07 OK
08 OK 09 OK 10 OK 11 OK
12 OK 13 OK 14 OK 15 OK