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Test control from a VHDL test bench.

  1. For an AHB project, I needed a bench that would easily allow to generate stimuli to DUT and stop the test. To do that I have used two VHDL processes.

  2. The very first one is a counter. It allows me to start and stop stimuli based on a clock main cycle counter.
    --process that controls the stimuli of this bench
    p_sim_count : process(hclk)
      if hclk'event and hclk = '1' then
        sim_count <= sim_count + 1;
      end if;
    end process;

  3. Next is the stimuli process. This process also stops the simulation. The quickest way to stop the simulation, is to use assert statement. This has a side affect in terms of printing an error message into the simulation log file. ...
    wait until sim_count = 90;

    --stop the test
    assert false report "Test Ended from TB" severity error;

    end process;
    In the simulation (run with GHDL) you get a message like this:
    tb.vhd:483:8:@1432ns:(assertion error): Test Ended from TB
    ./tb:error: assertion failed
    This appears at the end of simulation, accompanied with an additional message: saying that bench has originated it, and therefor can be safely ignored.

  4. To facilitate the main loop of the stimuli and control VHDL process, I use procedures. The procedures are used to instruct each of the masters to issue an AHB transaction.

    procedure dmai_rd(
      ch : in integer;
      ad : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
      br : in std_logic;
      sz : in std_logic_vector( 1 downto 0)
    ) is
      if(ch = 0) then
        dmai0.address <= ad;

    The first statements simply wait for reset completion.
        wait until hresetn = '0';
        wait until hresetn = '1';
        dmai0.start <= '0';
        dmai1.start <= '0';
        wait until sim_count = 16;
        wait until hclk = '1';

        write(my_line, string'("TB: dma stim start master 0 access "));
        write(my_line, now);
        writeline(output, my_line);

        dmai0_wr(X"10000000", X"00000004", '0', "01");
        wait until sim_count = 18;
        dmai0.start <= '0';

  5. An AHB VHDL project, built of two AHB masters, one arbiter, one AHB to APB bridge and one simple APB slave. If you are interested in this project as a graduate project, contact me via mail and put in the subject: non free AHB project.


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