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SD slave to flash timeout.

  1. For an SD slave with Samsung flash (k9f1208) project I recently added to the RTL timeout support.

  2. During regression, the test-bench created an illegal scenario. It started a SD slave read single block, while the SD slave DUT was still busy, processing SD slave read block command, which had started some time earlier.

  3. Instead of ignoring this command, the DUT started to process it, and got stuck. This is unacceptable and if the DUT simply ignores the command, the SW driver will get a timeout and will try to figure out what has been going wrong.

  4. Once the problem was understood, I have also fixed the test-bench. The test-bench will monitor the SD slave data line (DAT0), before issuing a new command. A flag, in the main configuration of this VHDL environment, that allows to cancel this check before command issue, was added.
    Note: When neither the test-bench nor the DUT drive the SD slave data lines, a pull up keeps it high (VHDL 'H').

  5. --check that DAT0 is 'H' before start
    while(SD_OP_START_DAT_IDLE and DATA0 /= 'H') loop
      wait_for_data0 <= '1';
      wait for CLOCK_CYCLE;
      wait for CLOCK_CYCLE;
    end loop;
    wait for 400 ns;
    wait_for_data0 <= '0';--debug on wave

    -- Read a block of data from the card
    ReadBlock(std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(4, 16)), v_result, v_data, v_status, DATA3, DATA2, DATA1, DATA0, CMD, CLK, CMD_oe, DATA_oe, CMDo, data_count);

  6. For more details, please e mail me to . Put SD flash in the e mail subject.

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