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In this work I show how to build a reference model in systemc using queues, from C++ STD.

  1. Link to the main page of this work. This page describes how to compile and run this project.

  2. The make-file is the standard one, given in the systemc examples. I added all sources to SRC line in the following manner:
    SRCS = tb.cpp cmplex_mult_with_trick.cpp mon.cpp

  3. Although the make-file compiles the correct file, when changed, sometimes the the project does not work well, unless all files are re-compiled.
    To fix that, I have a simple script, that touches all files and than fires-up the make-file.
    If an error is detected, less is used to view the compilation log file. Less is usually good enough, but you can always call gvim from within less by typing the v command. Note: you need to have the gvim as your editor choice (the environment variable EDITOR.


    touch *.cpp
    make -f Makefile.osci >& 1.txt
    grep -i error 1.txt && less -p error 1.txt


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