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c++ program, which generates multi protocol packets.

  1. I downloaded and installed crafter library on my debian machine. The installation is as easy as described in libcrafter. I made a few examples to practice crafter.
    IP and MAC address.

  2. In this page I create a few packets, each with a different upper layer protocol:

    UDP, TCP and ICMP.

      Packet * pck = new Packet(ether_header / ip / UDP() / RawLayer("UDPData"));
      delete pck;
      pck = new Packet(ether_header / ip / TCP() / RawLayer("TCPData"));
      delete pck;
      pck = new Packet(ether_header / ip / ICMP() / RawLayer("ICMPData"));
      delete pck;

  3. At the end of program, I print the content of each packet and erase the packet, using vector erase function.

      vector<Packet>::iterator it_pck;
      for(it_pck = pck_cont.begin() ; it_pck != pck_cont.end() ; it_pck++) {
        cout << "pck_cont" << endl;
      pck_cont.erase (pck_cont.begin(), pck_cont.end());

  4. To get more info, send an e mail with crafter multi-gen in the subject.


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