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c++ program, which generates TCP packets.

  1. The work on this page generates a full TCP packet, based on TCP layer.

  2. Similar to the ARP example, I added the common layer:
    /* --------- Common data to all headers --------- */
    The raw print now contains the MAC layer as well:

    ff ff ff 22 22 22 00 0c 29 b4 41 b0 08 00 45 00
    00 38 00 00 40 00 40 06 09 d8 c0 a8 00 b4 d4 b3
    9a d8 00 0b 00 50 8c 24 15 fa 00 00 00 00 50 02
    16 d0 a3 42 00 00 41 72 62 69 74 72 61 72 79 50
    61 79 6c 6f 61 64

  3. The code of the TCP generator, is shown below:

    #include <iostream>
    #include <crafter.h>

    /* Collapse namespaces */
    using namespace std;
    using namespace Crafter;

    int main() {
      /* Set the interface */
      string iface = "eth0";

      /* Get the IP address associated to the interface */
      string MyIP = GetMyIP(iface);
      /* Get the MAC Address associated to the interface */
      string MyMAC = GetMyMAC(iface);

      /* --------- Common data to all headers --------- */
      Ethernet ether_header;
      ether_header.SetSourceMAC(MyMAC); // <-- Set our MAC as a source

      /* Create an IP header */
      IP ip_header;
      /* Set the Source and Destination IP address */
      Packet* packet = new Packet;

      /* Create an TCP - SYN header */
      TCP tcp_header;

      /* A raw layer, this could be any array of bytes or chars */
      RawLayer payload("ArbitraryPayload");

      /* Create a packets */
      Packet tcp_packet = ip_header / tcp_header / payload;

      /* Write the packet on the wire */

      cout << endl << "[@] Print after sending: " << endl;
      cout << "packet " << endl;

      return 0;


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