#!/bin/bash #how to run the script #create a list and store it to file, in this example 1 #cat 1 | xargs -n1 | xargs -i= ~/bin/grep_error.unx "Register mismatch" = cmd="grep "\"${1}\"" "${2} #$cmd #because xargs does not accept parameter with spaces echo $cmd > tmp chmod u+x tmp ./tmp > /dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then cmd="grep \"sn load \" "${2}" | sed 's/sn load //' | sed 's/ncsim> *//'" echo $cmd > tmp cnt="0" wc -l grep_error.txt >& /dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then cnt=`wc -l grep_error.txt` echo "echo $cnt | sed \"s/ grep_error.txt//\"" >> tmp else echo "echo 0" >> tmp fi echo "echo "$2 >> tmp echo "echo "$1 >> tmp chmod u+x tmp ./tmp >> grep_error.txt fi