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PERL script, to invoked from within VIM, to adjust text files for up 80 characters per line.

  1. Sometimes it is required to adjust text files to up to 80 characters per line. I have this need every time, that I import files from out-look for example.

  2. To run the script on the entire file, type:

    :%!perl ~/bin/

    Or mark a text area, using VIMmark commands say:'a and 'b and type:

    :'a,'b!perl ~/bin/

  3. The script is shown below:


    while (<STDIN>) {
      chomp($_); $line=$_;
      while( $len > 80 ) {#split on space
        $loc=index($line, ' ');
        while( $loc < 80 && $loc != -1 ) {
          $loc_last=$loc; $loc++;
          $loc=index($line, ' ', $loc);
        if($loc_last != -1) {
          $tmp=substr($line, 0, $loc_last);
          $line=substr($line, $loc_last);
        } else {#can break if there is no space

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