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ASIC/FPGA Design and Verification Out Source Services

The following describe the synthesis of the SD slave improved code.

  1. The following page discusses the synthesis of the SD slave project.

  2. Since the code uses some memories from xilinx, I decided on xilinx ise web-pack. First was the installation from xilinx web site. Although the file is 6G byte, the download was quick. Second is the installation on a debian machine, which went smoothly too.

  3. The XST script structure has to be changed from what I used before in this project.
    1. I created a project file, test.prj, to load the VHDL files:
      vhdl work ../sd_slv_CSD_constants.vhd
      vhdl work ../sd_slv_ID_constants.vhd
      vhdl work ../sd_fls_fif.vhd
      vhdl work ../sd_fls_fiw.vhd
      vhdl work ../sd_fls_fsm.vhd
      vhdl work ../sd_fls_ram.vhd
      vhdl work ../sd_slv_Rmx.vhd
      vhdl work ../sd_slv_adg.vhd
      vhdl work ../sd_slv_c16.vhd
      vhdl work ../sd_slv_cmr.vhd
      vhdl work ../sd_slv_cr7.vhd
      vhdl work ../sd_slv_fsm.vhd
      vhdl work ../sd_slv_mem.vhd
      vhdl work ../sd_slv_reg.vhd
      vhdl work ../sd_slv_rs1.vhd
      vhdl work ../sd_slv_rsp.vhd
      vhdl work ../sd_slv_wrt.vhd
      vhdl work ../sd_slv_top.vhd

    2. Next was the XST script. While the old one, the options were given in separate lines, for this version all options are given in a single line.
      run -ifn test.prj -ifmt VHDL -top sd_slv_top -ofn sd_slv_top.ngc -ofmt NGC -p xc4vlx25ff668-10 -opt_mode Speed -opt_level 1

    3. Last I had a minor issue with XST invocation:
      /opt/Xilinx/14.1/ISE_DS/ISE/bin/lin64/xst -ifn nsynt.xst

    4. To review the text report of the synthesis, I find vim as the best option. There are some warnings, which are acceptable. I went over their casue and meaning once and would like to ignore them in the future, without filtering out from the file.
      I color these warning with vim highlight option. To fire the highlight the file need to be sourced manually or put into the ~/.gvimrc the following line:
      au BufRead,BufNewFile nsynt.srp so highlight.vim
      The highlight file is shown below:

      syntax match warn_1 /:.*is never used/
      hi warn_1 guibg=orange guifg=beige
      syntax match warn_2 /:.*but never used/
      hi warn_2 guibg=orange guifg=beige
      syntax match warn_3 /:.*is unconnected in block/
      hi warn_3 guibg=orange guifg=beige
      syntax match warn_4 /:.*will be trimmed during the optimization/
      hi warn_4 guibg=orange guifg=beige

      syntax match tim_1 /Timing constraint/
      hi tim_1 guibg=green guifg=beige

      One can define his own green color by just typing:
      guibg=green <--> guibg=#339933



some memory VHDL models

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