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This page extends the example from cadance of producer consumer.

  1. Recently I started to study the producer consumer example in systemc 2.0.

  2. The example, from cadance, has one producer and consumer talking to each other via FIFO interface:

    class top : public sc_module
      fifo *fifo_inst;
      producer *prod_inst;
      consumer *cons_inst;

  3. In the example the producer send charters to the consumer. In my example a transaction class is used:

    class c_trans {
      unsigned seq_n;
      unsigned data[8];
      c_trans(unsigned da_i[], unsigned s);
    c_trans::c_trans() {
      for(unsigned i=1; i <=8; i++) data[i-1]=0;
    c_trans::c_trans(unsigned da_i[], unsigned s) {
      for(unsigned i=1; i <=8; i++) data[i-1]=da_i[i-1];

  4. I use two constructors:

    void main()
      unsigned da[8]={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8};
      const c_trans arr[2] = {c_trans(), c_trans(da, 1)};

      unsigned i;
      for(i = 0; i <= 1; i++)

  5. The system C code is available for free at producer consumer code .

  6. This site also includes an I2C verification environment, which uses memories and VPI (c code) to drive stimuli and a reference model using a c++ scoreboard to check data, which is collected from a verilog DUT output.



some memory VHDL models

A simple c-code program to read a memory array from verilog RTL, using VPI.

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