Simple tip how to use VIM NMAP command.
This example shows a simple NMAP. The NMAP statement is written in the ~/.gvimrc
In this case I find ;, go back one word, put the word under cursor in the
search string, switch to file in buffer two, find the string and open the file,
using gf command.
The code is shown below:
"1) debug file 2)e_list.txt 3)specman top import files
nmap gimp /;h*:b2ngf
To quickly find pattern. I declared the following shortcuts:
nmap <silent> f1 /Error .*exp<Esc>
nmap <silent> f2 /debug inspect required<Esc>
An nmap statement can execute multiple VIM commands
as in the following
example. In this example, I created a new VIM command, called ind. It
invokes a PERL script, that does
without the "head" and "tail" commands, the cursor would end up, after script
inovkation, at the botton of the file. So I first create a mark A and later
jump back to it.
This is shown below:
nmap ind ma<CR>:%!perl ~/bin/<CR>'a<CR>
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