ASIC/FPGA Design and Verification Out Source Services
The good and old script to search in all files, was improved by a friend, is shown below.
In this site I have discussed, in the following pages, how to create a grep based search on a list of files. This was discussed in the following pages:
A nice way to look for a certain pattern in all loaded specman e-files
A simple script to search in all files, which were loaded ............
Explanation to the e search script ..... .............................
Hagai Naveh, a friend that works with me and has spent his childhood, like myself, in Bene Beraq, has written his excellent version to the script.
The Hagai version launches gvim to report search results. It builds links and the user has the option to select and open a reported file using the gvim GF command (Get File).
It also keeps an history of previous search results, saving precious time, should another view on former results is required.
It comes with a detailed read me, when the -h option is given. The help is shown below:
ssearch - This tool searches through a given list-of-files for a pattern
This will show previous searches
ssearch <pattern>
This will search for the pattern through the files listed in e_list_mod.txt
ssearch <pattern> -<grep-flags>
This will search for the pattern through the files listed in e_list_mod.txt, with the grep-flags
ssearch <pattern> <list_file>
This will search for the pattern through the files listed in <list_file>
ssearch <pattern> -<grep-flags> <list_file>
This will search for the pattern through the files listed in <list_file>, with the grep-flags
- The Hagai version bash script.
