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This pages describes the UART TX BFM file.

This file explains the assorted parts of the TX BFM.
First some pointers to the sequence driver, eVC name and signal map for I/O access.:
package pk_tx;

unit uart_tx_bfm_u {
  tx_driver : uart_tx_driver_u;
  name : uart_tx_env_name_t;
  sig : sig_map_u;

Next clock is applied to the sequence driver:
tx_driver_clk_tcm() @sig.clk_r_ev is {
  while(TRUE) { emit tx_driver.clock; wait cycle; };

At reset the BFM sets the values of the DUT inputs:
bfm_drive_init_tcm() @sig.clk_r_ev is {

The rest of the BFM code requests an item, from the sequence driver, drives it on the TX input interface and finishes with an item done emission.
  bfm_drive_data_tcm() @sig.clk_r_ev is {
    var tx_data_in : uart_tx_byte_s;
    wait true (sig.rst_p$ == 0);
    message(NONE, "bfm_drive_data_tcm reset wait ended ", name);
    while(TRUE) {
      tx_data_in = tx_driver.get_next_item();
        "bfm_drive_data_tcm Requesting new rx byte waits for %d",
      wait [tx_data_in.transmit_delay] * cycle;
        "bfm_drive_data_tcm drive byte %x",
      emit tx_driver.item_done;

  run() is also {
    start bfm_drive_data_tcm();
    start bfm_drive_init_tcm();
    start tx_driver_clk_tcm();
};--unit uart_tx_bfm_u

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