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This pages describes the UART TX sequence file.

This file does all the requirement to operate the main sequence of the TX eVC.
The first part is the sequence declaration:

  1. --logical name
  2. type uart_tx_env_name_t : [];
  3. sequence uart_tx_sequence using item=uart_tx_byte_s,
  4. created_driver=uart_tx_driver_u;

The second part deals with the name of the eVC. This is a common name to all modules in this eVC.
The name is inherited from the eVC environment.
It also extends the sequence driver as shown below:

  1. extend uart_tx_byte_s {
  2.   name : uart_tx_env_name_t;
  3.   keep name == read_only(driver).name;

  4. };--extend uart_tx_byte_s

  5. extend uart_tx_sequence {
  6.   name : uart_tx_env_name_t;
  7.   keep name == read_only(driver).name;

  8.   tx_byte : uart_tx_byte_s;
  9. };--extend uart_tx_sequence

  10. extend uart_tx_driver_u {
  11.   name : uart_tx_env_name_t;
  12. };--extend uart_tx_driver_u

The last part defines pre and post body. This part mainly raises objection and drops it to end the simulation.

  1. extend MAIN uart_tx_sequence {

  2.   drain_time : time;
  3.   keep soft drain_time == 20 us;

  4.   pre_body() @sys.any is first {
  5.     message(NONE, "dbg raise_objection");
  6.     driver.raise_objection(TEST_DONE);
  7.   }; -- pre_body()

  8.   body() @sys.any is also {
  9.     messagef(NONE, "dbg A drop_objection %d", drain_time);
  10.     wait delay(drain_time);
  11.     message(NONE, "dbg B drop_objection");
  12.     driver.drop_objection(TEST_DONE);
  13.   }; -- post_body()

  14. }; -- extend MAIN uart_tx_sequence

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