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An I2C verification environment, which uses memories and VPI (c code) to drive and monitor data to/from DUT, will be described in this work.

  1. In this site many verification environments have been presented, using, specman , VHDL etc....
    The main page of this work is accessed with the following link.
    This page describes how APB transaction are done.

  2. The c code prepares transactions. It places them in a memory from the test-bench. For the test-bench it is a read only memory. The timing of filling the memories is controlled by the test-bench.

  3. Since the maximum size with icarus is 32 bits and both APB data and address are of 32 bits I use three arrays in the test-bench:

      //read only (by TB) RAM
      reg [31:0] a_pwdata [`RAM_SZ-1:0];
      reg [31:0] a_paddr  [`RAM_SZ-1:0];
      reg [ 1:0] a_ctrl   [`RAM_SZ-1:0]; //pkt_end pwrite

  4. The test-bench controls the timing via a state machine:

      always @ (apb_ps or q_ctrl or arst_i) begin
        case (apb_ps)
          `APB_IDLE: begin
          //get buffers from c and wait one cycle
          if(arst_i) begin
          apb_ns = `APB_WAIT;
    First it requests from c code buffers. The c code, for the first requests, puts the address, next comes the data and last is control.

  5. Some of the APB control signals, which are driven to the DUT, are decoded from the state machine:

      assign p_sel =
      apb_ps == `APB_READ ? 1'b1 :
      apb_ps == `APB_WRIT ? 1'b1 :
      apb_ps == `APB_HOLD ? 1'b1 :
      assign p_enable =
      apb_ps == `APB_HOLD ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;

  6. The verilog test bench checks the read data based on an expected value, which was prepared by the c code.

      //check the value read from the APB
      always @ (posedge pclk) begin
        if(p_sel & p_enable & ~p_writeq) begin
          if(prdata_s != q_pwdata) begin
            $display("ver ERROR APB data mismatch exp %x act %x at %d", q_pwdata, prdata_s, $time);

  7. The c code is described in the following link.

  8. A simple wave with APB multiple write transactions followed by a single read transaction is shown below:


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