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VHDL function, which generates random numbers.

  1. For an SD slave project I needed to generate random numbers.

  2. In some cases, I generated random number via a bash script. The motivation to do it, with script, is discussed at script

  3. I found a simple VHDL module on the web, that generates random numbers and tested it. random module

  4. For this project, I created a function that works the same. The web VHDL module generates a random number every clock rising edge. The function does it when called. It gets a bus width and an initial number.

  5. The function is invoked, from the VHDL test file by:

    --data buffer initialization
    for i in 0 to wr_arr_sz-1 loop
      wr_data_bits := wr_data_bits(wr_data_bits'length-9 downto 0) &
      wr_data_tm(4) & wr_data_tm(5) & wr_data_tm(6) & wr_data_tm(7) &
      wr_data_tm(0) & wr_data_tm(1) & wr_data_tm(2) & wr_data_tm(3) ;
      if(SD_WR_DATA_INC) then
        wr_data_tm := std_logic_vector(unsigned(wr_data_tm) + "00000001");
        temp_1 := wr_data_tm;
        wr_data_tm :=
        std_logic_vector(unsigned(temp_1) + unsigned(f_my_rand(8, temp_1)));
      end if;

  6. The function is shown below:

    --random number
    function f_my_rand(width : integer; temp_2 : std_logic_vector)
    return std_logic_vector is
  7.   constant temp_c : std_logic_vector(width-2 downto 0):=
      temp_2(width-2 downto 0);
      variable rand_temp : std_logic_vector(width-1 downto 0):=
      '1' & temp_c;
      variable temp : std_logic := '0';
      variable random_num : std_logic_vector(width-1 downto 0);
      variable my_line : line;
      temp := rand_temp(width-1) xor rand_temp(width-2);
      rand_temp(width-1 downto 1) := rand_temp(width-2 downto 0);
      rand_temp(0) := temp;
      random_num := rand_temp;
  8.   --if(DEBUG = '1') then
        --write(my_line, string'("f_my_rand "));
        --hwrite(my_line, random_num);
        --writeline(output, my_line);
      --end if;
      return random_num;
    end f_my_rand;

  9. I made most of my work with the free VHDL simulator GHDL. It has a simple, yet powerful, c interface. Random can be done using c code:
    c interface example 1.
    The c code interface, VHPI, is also discussed in this web: c interface example 1. The usage in VHDL bench is simple:

    --generate an integer between 3..16
    rand_packet_delayi := 3 + g_rand_int_c(sim_seed, 12);
    for j in 1 to rand_packet_delayi loop
      wait until rx_clk'event and rx_clk = '1';
    end loop;

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