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This page describes my second experience with verilator.

  1. In order to practice cpp (c++) verification benches, with system verilog DPI, using a verilog DUT, I decided to download verilator and do some self study exercises.

  2. While my first example, available on this site, is simple (one module, one initial statement), this test includes an hierarchical Design Under Test and a time management (support for verilog $time system task as well as clock generation for the DUT) from a cpp bench. VCD waves are generated as well, to complete this exercise.

  3. There are two verilog files. The first one is the bench and is responsible for test-finish and to instantiate the DUT. The bench implements a counter, uses it to control test end and wires it as an input to a combinatorial DUT adder.

  4. The verilog code is very simple and is shown below:

    module top(clk);
      input clk;

      reg [3:0] cnt;
      wire [3:0] in0, in1;
      wire [4:0] out;

      initial begin
      assign in0 = cnt;
      assign in1 = cnt+ 4'd8;

      always @ (posedge clk) begin
        if(cnt == 4'd15) begin
        $display("dbg at %m cnt=%d add %d %d %d time=%d", cnt, in0, in1, out, $time);
        cnt <= cnt + 4'd1;
      adder u_add (
      );//adder u_add


    module adder(in0, in1, out);
      input [3:0] in0;
      input [3:0] in1;
      output [4:0] out;

      assign out = in0 + in1;


  5. The cpp bench is shown below. It handles time and vcd dump as well as verilog instantiation:

    #include "Vtop.h"
    #include "verilated.h"

    //vcd traces
    #include "verilated_vcd_c.h"

    #include <iostream>

    Vtop *top; // Instantiation of module

    unsigned int main_time = 0; // Current simulation time

    double sc_time_stamp () { // Called by $time in Verilog
      return main_time;

    int main(int argc, char** argv) {
      Verilated::commandArgs(argc, argv);
      top = new Vtop;

      //vcd traces
      VerilatedVcdC* tfp = new VerilatedVcdC;
      top->trace (tfp, 99);
      tfp->open ("obj_dir/simx.vcd");

      while (!Verilated::gotFinish()) {
        if ((main_time % 10) == 1) {
          top->clk = 1; // Toggle clock
        if ((main_time % 10) == 6) {
          top->clk = 0;
        top->eval(); // Evaluate model
        //cout << "time is " << main_time << endl; // Read a output
        main_time++; // Time passes...
        tfp->dump (main_time);
      } //while

      delete top;

  6. To compile and run the following script is used. The script is also responsible to change (the change is required due to some confusion in the debian installation) the make file as described in my first example.

    1. #!/bin/bash

    2. /usr/bin/verilator --trace --trace-depth 1 --cc top.v --exe sim_main.cpp || exit
    3. sed -i "s/VERILATOR_ROOT = \/usr\/bin/VERILATOR_ROOT = \/usr\/share\/verilator/" obj_dir/
    4. cd obj_dir
    5. make -j -f Vtop && echo "make ended ok"



some memory VHDL models

A simple c-code program to read a memory array from verilog RTL, using VPI.

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