Hard disk clone using dd command from rip linux to backup windows 7.
Disk backup using dd command from
was discussed in this site. Recently I had a real test for the backup procedure.
My daughter received a new DELL laptop with windows 7. Although I did the windows
data and image backup, I decided also to do it my self to be on the safe side. The following
describes what I did:
- Insert a small linux to the DVD, in my case I used rip linux.
- Depending on your machine boot from the DVD. In my case I needed to press F12 and tell the dell machine to boot from DVD.
- Check what partitions did the linux detected:
fdisk -l
In my case it were sda1, sda2, sda3 for the windws 7 and sdc for USB portable disk drive.
- Mount each partition to see its content:
cd /rootmkdir mntcd mntmkdir disk_1mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/disk_1 ...
Repeat this operation for each disk.
In my case, sda_1 was very small, probably some disk tables. sda_2 was command com and other windows data and sda_3 was program files.
- Back using dd each partition:
dd if=/dev/sda_1 | gzip -c > /root/mnt/back_1.img.gz
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