This pages describes the UART TX agent file.
The agent instantiates the BFM and monitor and signal map units. The instantiation of the BFM is conditional. It depends if this eVC is configured to be an active or passive one.
package pk_tx;
unit uart_tx_agent_u {
name : uart_tx_env_name_t;
active_passive : erm_active_passive_t;
keep soft active_passive == ACTIVE;
sig : sig_map_u is instance;
mon : uart_tx_monitor_u is instance;
keep == read_only(name);
keep mon.sig == sig;
If the eVC is defined to active, which is the default, the BFM is instantiated.
extend ACTIVE uart_tx_agent_u {
tx_driver : uart_tx_driver_u is instance;
keep == read_only(name);
bfm : uart_tx_bfm_u is instance;
keep == read_only(name);
keep bfm.sig == sig;
keep bfm.tx_driver == tx_driver;
};--extend ACTIVE uart_tx_agent_u
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