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This pages describes the UART TX signal map file.

This file declares all ports that are used in this eVC.

package pk_rx;

unit sig_map_u {
  clk_p: in simple_port of bit is instance;
  rst_p: in simple_port of bit is instance;

  keep bind(clk_p, external);
  keep bind(rst_p, external);

  event clk_r_ev is rise(clk_p$) @sim;

  ck_en_p: in simple_port of bit is instance;
  keep bind(ck_en_p, external);

  full_clr_p: inout simple_port of bit is instance;
  keep bind(full_clr_p, external);
  rx_in_p: inout simple_port of bit is instance;
  keep bind(rx_in_p, external);

  full_p: in simple_port of bit is instance;
  keep bind(full_p, external);
  d_out_p: in simple_port of byte is instance;
  keep bind(d_out_p, external);

};--unit sig_map_u

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