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TCL scripts.

This is the UART TX TCL to run the test, record waves in VCD or SHM.
It is also used to put a break point in specman code , if required.
Execute some general commands, which are useful in debug like:

sn sh mod
sn trace objection on
#sn break on line 61 in @uart_byte
#sn break on error
#sn collect gen

#sn read cover c_*.ucd
#sn sh cover mon_u

Some VHDL design outputs many warnings in the initialization phase. This can be shut down by using the following commands from the TCL script:

## Disable assertion in the beginning to eliminate ECBI assertions at 0 FS
#assertion -off -all
#run 1ns
## Allow assertions again
#assertion -on -all

To go to main project: main project page


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SD slave with Samsung flash (k9f1208) (vhdl project). print from VHDL code

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