ASIC/FPGA Design and Verification Out Source Services

Cancel nolisten tcp on a debian 6.0.3 machine

  1. I needed on vmware machine to cancel the nolisten tcp option. I used debian 6.0.3 and the default is not to listen. Please note: that if you are not in a secure network, this might be a major security issue.

  2. At work we send jobs via lsf to a remote server. If GUI program is needed, the remote server uses the display of the local machine. Therefor the local machines needs to listen on the TCP port (usually 6000).

  3. To cancel the no listen to TCP, I needed to modify two files:
    vi /etc/X11/xinit/xserverrc

    #exec /usr/bin/X -nolisten tcp "$@"
    exec /usr/bin/X "$@"

    The second file, which I needed to modify, is:

    #Pini - Add two new lines

  4. Last some examples of usage, once no listen TCP is finally disabled.

    bsub -Ip xterm -display
    bsub -Ip 'bash -c "export DISPLAY=;gvim"'

    The first example fires up an xterm and the display is set to the local machine.
    In the second one, I launch gvim after the display is set to the local machine. The servers at work usually don't use bash, so I explicitly use bash -c to do the job.


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