VHDL, verilog, design, verification, scripts, ...
Email: bknpk@hotmail.com Phone: +972-54-7649119


ASIC/FPGA Design and Verification Out Source Services

Remote Operating With CRONTAB. Please note that I used this method to start from remote a simulation job and have it continue to run while the remote link is disconnected. Today it is much easy to use screen (apt-get install screen) utility instead.
However as crontab example this among with others on this page are good examples on how to use crontab.

  1. First it helps to use this alias:
    alias cr='crontab'.

  2. Next define the task in a file. I use the daily format of CRONTAB
    01 12 * * 1 /home/my_user/pini/pini_share/leon_2_1_032/leon2-1.0.32-xst/syn/xst_pini/cron.unx >>/dev/null 2>&1

  3. Last is the file cron.unx:

    1. #!/bin/bash
    2. source /home/my_user/Xilinx/settings.sh
    3. cd /home/my_user/pini/pini_share/leon_2_1_032/leon2-1.0.32-xst/syn/xst_pini
    4. date > cron_1.txt
    5. #nice --adjustment=5 ./synt.unx >>/dev/null
    6. #nice --adjustment=5 ./ngd.unx >>/dev/null
    7. #nice --adjustment=5 ./map.unx >>/dev/null
    8. nice --adjustment=5 ./par.unx >>/dev/null
    9. date >> cron_1.txt

    Note: the use of the nice command is because at that time the very same computer, which was used to run the web server was used also for simulation and I wanted simulation to be on a less priority.

  4. To start type cr Cr.

  5. To stop type cr -r.

  6. To view task type cr -l.

  7. To download an example tarball


An extension to the example from cadance of producer consumer.

An I2C verification environment, which uses memories and VPI (c code) to drive and monitor data.

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