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Launce simvision with snapshot connection.

  1. Usually it is not enough just to view waves. With simvision, if the snapshot is loaded, then there is a connection between wave signals and schematic, source etc.

  2. This site shows how to create a list of loaded files, and then to create a textual description of the design hierarchy as well as listing each source, which makes its access simple using vim gf command. But, especially for large designs, this is not as easy as graphical tools.
    It is up to the engineer, who debug the test, to decide with approach is best to follow, in every case.

  3. To load waves data base and snapshot, I use the following command:
    simvision -INPUT -SNAPSHOT SNP_UART_7.TB_CFG -WAVE /waves/debug_1.shm/debug_1.trn

  4. To find out the snapshot name, I have aliased get_snap to:

    find . -name "ncelab.log" | xargs -n1 | xargs -i= grep -i snapshot =

    Under bash shell one can also do the same by:
    for f in `find . -name "ncelab.log"`; do grep -i snapshot $f;done

  5. Another tip that made my work with NC easier is the add button option. It is a simple TCL, which is loaded on start:

    window extensions button create -type waveform MyWinWaves -help "my windows" -command {source ../}




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