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SRAM model for AS7C4096.

  1. The VHDL IP stack project uses an on-board external to the FPGA SRAM. Therefor I needed to create a VHDL behavioral model for that memory device.

  2. I decided to use a sparse memory model to reduce memory consumption. The idea is that a memory of large address (18 bits) of 16 bits data word consumes, only that much that is written, to the memory model, during simulation.

  3. I searched in the internet for such VHDL models and came across a good one from: doulos memory .

  4. I took from that code the read and write logic, skipped the diagnose code and modified to my needs. Actually to my SRAM truth table:
    --CE WE OE Data Mode
    --H X X High Z Standby (ISB, ISB1)
    --L H H High Z Output disable (ICC)
    --L H L DOUT Read (ICC)
    --L L X DIN Write (ICC)

  5. The VHDL code follows. Note that I needed to stop driving the data bus when output enable is de-asserted to avoid contention on the bus.

    -- memory.vhd
    -- Author(s): Pinhas Krengel
    -- Created: Jan 2009
    -- Last Modified: Feb 2009
    -- A model describing the static RAM used on board.

    --CE WE OE Data Mode
    --H X X High Z Standby (ISB, ISB1)
    --L H H High Z Output disable (ICC)
    --L H L DOUT Read (ICC)
    --L L X DIN Write (ICC)
    -- +-----------------------------+
    -- | Copyright 1992-2008 DOULOS |
    -- | Library: memory |
    -- | designer : Tim Pagden |
    -- +-----------------------------+

    library IEEE;
    use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;

    use STD.textio.all;

    entity memory is
      port (
        lcen : in STD_LOGIC; -- chip enable to the left bank of RAM
        loen : in STD_LOGIC; -- output enable to the left bank of RAM
        lwen : in STD_LOGIC; -- write enable to the left bank of RAM
        ldata: inout STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (15 downto 0);-- data lines from the left bank of RAM
        laddr: in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (18 downto 0) -- address lines from the left bank of RAM
    end memory;

    architecture memory_arch of memory is

      process (lcen, loen, lwen, laddr)
      type Item;
      type ItemPtr is access Item;
      type Item is
        NextItem: ItemPtr;
        Address: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (18 downto 0);
        Word: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (15 downto 0);
      end record;
      variable Head: ItemPtr;

      procedure Get (
        Addr: in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (18 downto 0);
        Word: out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (15 downto 0)
      ) is
      -- Get the contents of the ram with address = Addr
      variable Ptr: ItemPtr;
        Ptr := Head;
        while Ptr /= null loop
         if Ptr.Address = Addr then
         Word := Ptr.Word;
         end if;
         Ptr := Ptr.NextItem;
        end loop;
        Word := (others => 'U');
      end Get;
      procedure Set (
        Addr: in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (18 downto 0);
        Word: in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (15 downto 0)
      ) is
      -- Set the contents of the ram with address = Addr to Word
      variable Ptr, PreviousPtr: ItemPtr;
      variable all_u : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (15 downto 0);
        all_u := (others => 'U');
        Ptr := Head;
        PreviousPtr := null;
        while Ptr /= null loop
         if Ptr.Address = Addr then
         if Word = all_u then
         -- Delete item from list...
         if PreviousPtr = null then
         Head := Ptr.NextItem;
         PreviousPtr.NextItem := Ptr.NextItem;
         end if;
         DEALLOCATE (Ptr);
         Ptr.Word := Word;
         end if;
         end if;
         PreviousPtr := Ptr;
         Ptr := Ptr.NextItem;
        end loop;
        if Word /= all_u then
         -- Insert new item into list...
         Ptr := new Item'(NextItem => null, Address => Addr, Word => Word);
         if PreviousPtr = null then
         Head := Ptr;
         PreviousPtr.NextItem := Ptr;
         end if;
        end if;
      end Set;
      variable D: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (15 downto 0);
      variable my_line : line;
        if(lcen = '0' and lwen = '1' and loen ='0') then --read
         Get(laddr, D);
         ldata <= D;

        write(my_line, string'("dbg ram rda="));
        hwrite(my_line, '0' & laddr);
        write(my_line, string'(" rdd="));
        hwrite(my_line, ldata);
        write(my_line, string'(" at "));
        write(my_line, now);
        writeline(output, my_line);
        end if;

      --stop driving the data
      if loen'EVENT and loen = '1' then
         ldata <= (others => 'Z');
      end if;

        if lwen'EVENT and lwen = '1' then
         if(lcen = '0') then --write
          write(my_line, string'("dbg ram wra="));
          hwrite(my_line, '0' & laddr);
          write(my_line, string'(" wrd="));
          hwrite(my_line, ldata);
          write(my_line, string'(" at "));
          write(my_line, now);
          writeline(output, my_line);

         Set (laddr, ldata);
         end if;
        end if;
      end process;

    end memory_arch;

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