ASIC/FPGA Design and Verification Out Source Services
The following describes the PAR step of the VHDL IP stack, using xilinx free tool.
- The PAR program palces and routes a design to a Xilinx FPGA.
- The following command is used:
par -w -ol high -t 1 test_map.ncd test.ncd
- Next I check that there are no logical and timing errors.
- For this project timing constraints were defined in the UCF file.
In this case some of the constraints were not satisfied.
* TSF2P = MAXDELAY FROM TIMEGRP "FFS" TO TIMEGRP "PADS" 10 ns | MAXDELAY| -3.712ns| 13.712ns| 29| 78908
- Fortunately there was some spare and the FF to PAD is now increased to 15.
- Last we need to generate a net-list and timing annotation - SDF. The command is:
netgen -sim -ofmt vhdl test.ncd
Two files are created: test.sdf and test.vhd.
To go back to the VHDL IP main page: main .
To go to first XST step: XST .
To go to post layout gate-level + SDF VHDL net-list simulation: GL sim .
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