ASIC/FPGA Design and Verification Out Source Services
A simple example of verifying uniqueness in seed generating without leaving vim .
- I had a regression report, which I needed to verify that all of its seeds were unique. This is to say each seed is used only once.
- The report starts with some headers and each line, which follows the headers, describes a test result. This line also contains the seed value, which was used.
- The headers are easily deleted from vim, using the DD command. The test lines are described below:
start simulation on machine machineA
number of tests 500
fc_datapath_test 011812_142553 011812_142903 190 sec F 551777
txuart_counter_check_test 011812_142909 011812_143058 109 sec P 5860149
- To verify uniqueness do the following steps:
- A note about the marks: a and b: if you delete the header lines than mark a is on the start (line 1) and b at the very last line otherwise mark a is on the first non header line.
- vim reg_rep.txt +/" F " Load file to vim and color failures.
- 2 dd Delete all headers.
- :g/.*_test.* [FP] \([0-9]*\).*/s//\1/Remove all data from line, except for seed value.
- :'a,'b !sortSort all lines.
- :'a,'b !uniqUnique all lines.
- Compare number of lines before and after unique commands are the same.