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ASIC/FPGA Design and Verification Out Source Services

simple bash script, which demonstrates a generation of random number within a specified range

  1. The scripts generates a random number within a user specified range.
  2. The random number, in this example, is used to find a file and touch it.
  3. The script is shown below:

  4. #!/bin/bash

    num_file=`find my_web -name "*.html" | wc -l`
    #generate a random number within range
    idx_file=$(($num_file * $RANDOM))
    idx_file=$(($idx_file / $rnd_max))
    for f in $(find my_web -name "*.html"); do
      if [ "$cnt" -eq "$idx_file" ] ; then
        cmd="touch "$f
        echo $cmd
        eval $cmd
      cnt=$[$cnt+1] #increment

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This page demonstrates the usage of queues in C++ and discusses some motivation to implement it.

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