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The following table summarizes some of the work in this page. It is meant for me to easily access the information as well as for other users of this web site.

Some scripts are very simple staring with a single line sed command and simple bash for f loops.
Other scripts can be used as building blocks for the creation of complex commands. Checking job end and then looking into, newly created, log files and conditionally start a new job.

In bash controlling the title of a terminal is simple. In others shells like csh and tcsh it is more complex. Some scripts are brough for this purpose too.

Others are used at work to help me inspecting waves and process VCD files, which is wave generic format. Some just add features to the free GTK VCD wave viewer.
I once needed to install GTKWAVE at work on a linux machine. Formerly I used it on my PC, but the windows version, under cygwin, was too slow and crashed frequently. While it is easily installed, if you have root permission, it becomes a nightmare if you don't have it. You can find here a link on how to do it without a being root.

Also a few complex PERL scripts do exist. PERL in some cases is my site Heavy Weapons. For instance processing HDL net-list.

GVIM is my favorite editor be it at work, home or accessing a file from remote, using scp. Some of its features, which are used most, are discussed in this site and listed in this table.

Most of this site is targeted to linux, but a few scripts are designated to assist using outlook mail. I find it difficult sometimes to use the search of the mail program, especially when a regular expression style is required.

In last projects at work, which I recently participated, I used the simulator, ncsim. So some utilities, which I found very useful, are also available and referred in the following table.
They help in saving and restoring simulation as well as tips for code coverage.

At home I have, presently three debian linux machines. One of them is colinux. As opposed to regular installations, where most packages work easily out of the box, colinux requires some extra work. Part of it is given links in the following table.

Finally you can see how I set my aliases on my assorted machines, linux, cygwin etc...
Some nice aliases for manipulating files, using SVN, are also listed. Also some tips for using bash history commands as well as rename multiple files, is shown. The rename is done either with the rename command or by using basename in a for f loop.


bash scripts
scan log for errors.

Generation of a random number within a specified range.

A simple script to measure the time for a job pending in lsf

scripting with file names containing spaces.

send mail via your ISP mail account.

Global file search for text string replace

Using linux strace command to measure time of process.

run a program till license is available

Trim line to 80 or less characters n a text file

rename command tip

How to convert multiple JPG pictures into a video slide.

Some tips for controlling the xterm title.

A script to search into multiple files and generate a report

specman signal map script description

read all VSOF files to vManager script description

specman e-code search script description

specman license free script description

generation a random number within a range bash script

Pipe your way with simple bash script

A simple script to calculate the percent of...

A very simple script, demonstrating a way to detect a working directory.

Some tips to handle history in bash shell.

wait for process end and notify process progress as well as its completion

simple bash script to compile vhdl design

PERL scripts
perl script to convert VR_AD file to VR_AD write operation.

perl script to convert VR_AD file to mask statement.

A very simple perl script to translate a verilog parameters code to specman type definition.

perl script to read all log simulation files of specman regression and generate a nice failure report.

perl:: count the number of data valid pulses in each packet, in a VCD wave file

perl script, to wait till a given number of files stop changing

Net-List Conversion

regression script

Updating System Time from the WEB.

Interactive HTML forms using a mixture of HTML and PERL CGI scripts

Simple WEB entry counter using PERL cgi

count the number of zero perl script

A PERL script to generate coverage report perl script

perl from the command line

perl script to filter input from STDIN

A perl script, which searches in many files according to file date and pattern between all input keys.

A perl script to monitor a linux OS operation.

A perl simple example to measure the script run time and its process ID.

debian boot scripts
Adding a script to boot process - Debian.

Installing, Configuring, Securing a COLINUX

Installation, configuration and operation of nxserever and nxclient on two debian machines

Hard disk clone using dd comand from colinux.

How dd can improve compression of a cloned system disk.

Comparison between cygwin, colinux, vmware.

how I set my aliases in bash and tcsh

Some useful aliases for SVN

a simple script to extract the last two revisions of each file from SVN

ssh / remote connection
Connecting and working from home using ssh.

visual basic
A visual basic script to save an incoming mail in outlook to a text file.

GTK and VCD wave inspection
script to split a VCD, wave format, file.

Extracting data from a VCD waveform format.

GTK xterm invocation under cygwin

GTK gtkwave invokation under cygwin

GTK marker time difference script

GTK add marker script

GTK and TRN Exporting simvision TRN to VCD

Installing GTK wave under linux with no root permission

specman in batch mode using ncsim script description

Save and Restore using ncsim and Specman Doc

Add a define to ncvlog via hdl.var example

A simple script to search in all files, which were loaded into the simulation

Hierarchy finder for VERILOG and VHDL mixed code PERL script

Launce simvision with snapshot connection

code coverage
Final steps required for generating code coverage with NCSIM simulation Doc

Final steps required for generating code coverage with NCSIM simulation using GUI to inspect results Doc

Simulation control via crontab cron

Updating System Time from the WEB

gvim / vim
Control and set the vim title bar.

Search a line, which does not contain a specific pattern.

specman e-code vr_ad register process script.

How to use highlight feature of vim for debug.

high light your key words with VIM.

VIM shift insert to paste data + force vim to specman syntax mode.

VIM systemverilog syntax.

VIM gf - get file command.

VIM running a shell command or a perl script on a block of text within vim.

forward the output directly to vim / gvim.

vim conditional string replace operation.

vim indent operator == .

[G]VIM to edit a file from remote using scp

Simple vim code, run from gvimrc, to setup font type and size, based on host name.

vim :: How to run or ignore spell check on given lines / patterns.

My first python script.

Reading from STDIN: python script.

sed to add a line to a file after a string match

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