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condition a batch bash script.

  1. This is simple if in a bash batch. It is meant for me mainly.
    In a simple script that checks in / out all files, I did not check that I am at the right directory. The results I checkout all company files and checked them in and annoyed every one. Should I have checked for the correct location, a lot of the trouble would have saved.

  2. All that is required is the following code:

  3. ptxc="/vobs/vlsi_prj/kkk/project_lib/jjj"
    if [ "$p" == "$ptxc" ]; then
      #put your code here
      #put an error message
      echo not the right path
      echo $p
      echo $ptxc

    Another example is to run some commands only on a run server and not on a login one.
    h2=`echo $h1 | sed "s/psv[0-9]*\([a-zA-Z_]*\)[0-9]*\..*/\1/"`
    if [ "$h2" == "log" ]; then
      echo $h1" is not a run server"
    if [ "$h2" != "run" ]; then
      echo $h1" is not a run server"
    #Put here your rest of the code

  4. A complete condition example script code is at: Condition a batch bash script



vim: search a line, that does not contain a specific pattern.

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