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rename files easily from the command line

The following tip shows how to rename files easily from the command line. I have copied some JPEG files from WINDOWS and than I noticed that all files end with the following suffix: jpg.jpg. To remove it (file.jpg.jpg --> file.jpg) I just used:
rename 's/\.jpg$//' *.jpg.jpg

Another way to rename multiple files, if your system does not have rename, is by using the command basename in a for f loop in a single line command:
for f in *; do mv $f "$(basename "$f" txt)tmp"; done

The following shows how to rename files of the following format: 1.mp3, 2.mp3, ... to D1_date.mp3, D2_date.mp3, ....


numb=`echo $1 | sed 's/.*\([0-9]\)\.mp3/\1/'`
date=`date +%y%m%d_%H%M%S`
sleep 2

mv -f $1 $name

Note the sleep command is required to make sure we get different values from the date command output.

One way to run this script is
ls ../../*.mp3 | xargs -n1 | xargs -i= ./mp3_name.unx =

When I download files from my phone, there are some Hebrew characters, which I like to remove. The following simple perl script can do the job.
The perl script is started per each file using bash's for f style, so the perl script itself is simple and handles one file at a time.
First it extracts the file name, using split command. Next only allowed text is allowed to pass.
Last the command for file rename is build and executed.


#for f in `ls *.3gp`;do perl /home/pini/bin/ $f;done
@a=split(/\./, $ARGV[0]);
my $ok_chars = 'a-zA-Z0-9_';
$cmd="mv " . $ARGV[0];
$a[0] =~ s/[^$ok_chars]//go;
$cmd=$cmd . " RedInSouth_" . $a[0] . "." . $a[1];


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