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vim diff vertsplit function to fired on a diff -qr ...

  1. This page shows how facilitate the analysis of the output of the command :
    diff -rq . /usr/guest/New_Delivery | vi -
    So diff is fired recursively on two arbitrary directories. The output may look like in the next example.
    Files ./Name.cs and ../Delegate/Name.cs differ
    In this simple example, we have only one file, which differs.

  2. So execute the command and pipe the results to vi. Next we save the result somewhere in a temporary location. To invoke the gvimdiff from within (cursor on the desired differed line) the edited file we type vdf

  3. We will see the difference using a color scheme of peachpuff, since this looks the best, when in comes to files with syntax such as verilog, e, c, c++ etc...

  4. The function has to be added to your ~/.gvimrc. It is listed below:

    "A new diff which is the output of the standard diff -rq . /usr/pini/NewDir
    fun! VertDiff()
      let l:file_a = substitute(getline('.'), "Files \.\/", "", "")
      let l:file_a = substitute(l:file_a, " and.*", "", "")
      let l:file_b = substitute(getline('.'), "Files .*and ", "", "")
      let l:file_b = substitute(l:file_b, " differ", "", "")
      " echo l:file_a
      execute 'colorscheme peachpuff'
      execute 'e ' . l:file_a
      execute 'vert diffsplit ' . l:file_b

    nmap vdf :call VertDiff()




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