ASIC/FPGA Design and Verification Out Source Services
How to change the default color scheme of
Since I am a "heavy user of gvim", I started also to view file
differences with gvimdiff.
The default color scheme, which comes with
gvimdiff is bad. Especially are
the ones for which show changes, between files, where the red color, which is used
makes it difficult to see any text.
To improve matters, firstly I tried to create my own color scheme. I created a
directory colors, under ~/.vim/ and put there pk.vim, which is
now available to use with the vim colorscheme command.
A much better choice is using one of the ready made color schemes,
which come with vim. Just hit :color (space after color is mandatory)
and pick something by pressing tab to browse the many options.
Once you are happy with a scheme, put the following lines in you
if &diff
colorscheme delek
To change the background of vim (required often when the default one
does not show the language syntax well), put this line in the ~/.vimrc
map <F9> :highlight Normal ctermfg=grey ctermbg=darkblue