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ASIC/FPGA Design and Verification Out Source Services

A nice VIM function to fire up vertical differences split

  1. This page explains how to add a simple VIM function. The idea is to split the display with two files taken from a report using one VIM command. VIM vert diffsplit

  2. This is done in a two step procedure. First I run a script to find the differences. An example how to recursively operate the script.

  3. The first steps ends with a report, that lists the involved files and the differences (piped the output of linux diff command), which looks like:

    FILE ./tbv/specman_wrap.v
    DIR /nfs/iil/proj/ladi/wa47/pkrengel/fpk/fpk-14ww37-1-SN_w001/verif/vunits/intr/
    To operate simply mark the lines or use line numbers:

    :1,3call VertDiff()

  4. The function has to be added to your ~/.gvimrc. It is listed below:

    "cmp_all gvimdiff auto start
    "FILE ./tbv/specman_wrap.v
    "DIR /nfs/iil/proj/ladi/wa47/pkrengel/fpk/fpk-14ww37-1-SN_w001/verif/vunits/intr/
    "==== vim function must start with a captial letter ====
    ":6,8call VertDiff()
    fun! VertDiff() range
      let lines = 0
      for linenum in range(a:firstline, a:lastline)
        if l:lines == 0
          let file = substitute(getline(linenum), "FILE \.\/", "", "")
          if l:lines == 2
            let dirA = substitute(getline(linenum), "DIR ", "", "")
            execut 'e ' . file
            execute 'vert diffsplit ' . dirA . file
        let lines += 1
    The compare perl script:


    $fp_bool = open(FPW, ">>$tmp") || die("open fail $tmp\n");

    $cmd="cmp " . $ARGV[0] . " " . $ARGV[1] . $ARGV[0];
    #$cmd="cmp -s " . $ARGV[0] . " " . $ARGV[1] . $ARGV[0] . "|| echo diff";

    #check if ignore directory is in the search string
    if($ARGV[2] ne "") {
      pp=index($ARGV[0], $ARGV[2]);
    else { $pp=-1; }
    if($pp == -1) {
      file=$ARGV[1] . $ARGV[0];
      if(-e $file) {
        if(length($dis) > 0) {
          cmd="diff -w " . $ARGV[0] . " " . $ARGV[1] . $ARGV[0];
          if(length($dis) > 0) {
            print FPW ("FILE $ARGV[0]\n----------------\n");
            print FPW ("DIR $ARGV[1]\n----------------\n");
            print FPW ("$dis\n----------------\n");
       else {
        print FPW ("FILE not exist $file\n");

  5. A similar function can be seen at vert diffsplit on diff -qr output


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