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FFT system C project - 8 point FFT using DIT algorithm.

  1. The design is written in system C. This allows me to use the free OSCI tool and simulate my design.

  2. For compiling the design, into an executable, to be later run for simulation, the following make files are used: Makefile.defs and Makefile.osci

  3. This files comes in the examples of the OSCI. I have only changed the line that points to installation location:

  4. ## Variable that points to SystemC installation path
    # You NEED to set this variable to your own SystemC intallation path
    SYSTEMC = /mnt/Home/pini/Home_1/pini/systemc_2.2.0

    ## Variable indicating the targeted architecture. MODIFY to suit your requirements
    TARGET_ARCH = linux
    #TARGET_ARCH = gccsparcOS5
    #TARGET_ARCH = cygwin
    #TARGET_ARCH = gcchpux11

    INCDIR = -I. -I.. -I$(SYSTEMC)/include
    LIBDIR = -L. -L.. -L$(SYSTEMC)/lib-$(TARGET_ARCH)

    LIBS = -lsystemc -lm $(EXTRA_LIBS)

    EXE = $(MODULE).exe

    .SUFFIXES: .cc .cpp .o .x

    $(EXE): $(OBJS) $(SYSTEMC)/lib-$(TARGET_ARCH)/libsystemc.a
    $(CC) $(DEBUG) $(CFLAGS) $(INCDIR) $(LIBDIR) -o $@ $(OBJS) $(LIBS) 2>&1 | c++filt

    all: $(EXE)

    $(CC) $(DEBUG) $(CFLAGS) $(INCDIR) -c $<

    $(CC) $(DEBUG) $(CFLAGS) $(INCDIR) -c $<

    rm -f $(OBJS) *~ $(EXE) core

    ultraclean: clean
    rm -f Makefile.deps

    # $(CC) $(DEBUG) $(CFLAGS) $(INCDIR) -M $(SRCS) >> Makefile.deps

    #include Makefile.deps

  5. The second file namely, Makefile.osci, is merely flags and files for compilation:

  6. CC = g++
    OPT = -O3
    DEBUG = -g
    OTHER = -Wall
    CFLAGS = $(OPT) $(OTHER) -Wno-deprecated
    # CFLAGS = $(DEBUG) $(OTHER)

    MODULE = run
    SRCS = fft_tsb.cpp
    OBJS = $(SRCS:.cpp=.o)

    include Makefile.defs

  7. Note: since I am not an expert in make files, the make file is only sensitive to the test-bench changes. If the design is modified, I use the command touch to change the date of the test-bench.

  8. To run the simulation, I find it convenient to run:
    clear;./run.exe | tee run.log.

  9. Return to the FFT main page. FFT main page .

Please let me know what you think on this FFT work.



A simple system C test-bench for an AIS detect DUT

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