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ASIC/FPGA Design and Verification Out Source Services

AHB master VHDL code

--changes colored yellow are debug and not realy needed.
--changes colored red are manadory.
-- This file is a part of the LEON VHDL model
-- Copyright (C) 1999 European Space Agency (ESA)
-- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-- modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-- version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-- See the file COPYING.LGPL for the full details of the license.
-- Entity: ahbmst
-- File: ahbmst.vhd
-- Author: Jiri Gaisler - Gaisler Research
-- Description: Simple AHB master interface

library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.std_logic_unsigned."+";
use IEEE.std_logic_arith.conv_unsigned;

use work.amba.all;
use work.iface.all;
use work.macro.all;

--Pini 091306_221315
-- pragma translate_off
use std.textio.all;
-- pragma translate_on

entity ahbmst is
  generic (incaddr : integer := 0);
  port (
    rst : in std_logic;
    clk : in clk_type;
    dmai : in ahb_dma_in_type;
    dmao : out ahb_dma_out_type;
    ahbi : in ahb_mst_in_type;
    ahbo : out ahb_mst_out_type


architecture rtl of ahbmst is
type reg_type is record
start : std_logic;
retry : std_logic;
grant : std_logic;
active : std_logic;
end record;

signal r, rin : reg_type;
--Pini 091406_212820
-- pragma translate_off
signal dbg_ahb_rdi : std_logic;
signal dbg_ahb_rdo : std_logic;
signal dbg_ahb_gnt : std_logic;
signal dbg_ahb_act : std_logic;
signal dbg_ahb_rty : std_logic;--retry
-- pragma translate_on

signal r_newaddr : std_logic_vector(9 downto 0); -- next sequential address
signal i_newaddr : std_logic_vector(9 downto 0); -- next sequential address

--Pini 091406_212820
-- pragma translate_off
dbg_ahb_rdi <= ahbi.hready;
dbg_ahb_gnt <= ahbi.hgrant;
dbg_ahb_act <=;
dbg_ahb_rty <= r.retry ;
-- pragma translate_on

comb : process(ahbi, dmai, rst, r)
variable v : reg_type;
variable ready : std_logic;
variable retry : std_logic;
variable mexc : std_logic;
variable inc : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); -- address increment
variable haddr : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); -- AHB address
variable hwdata : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); -- AHB write data
variable htrans : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); -- transfer type
variable hwrite : std_logic; -- read/write
variable hburst : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); -- burst type
variable newaddr : std_logic_vector(9 downto 0); -- next sequential address
variable hbusreq : std_logic; -- bus request
--Pini 091306_221315
-- pragma translate_off
variable my_line : line;
-- pragma translate_on

  v := r; ready := '0'; mexc := '0'; retry := '0';
  haddr := dmai.address; hbusreq := dmai.start; hwdata := dmai.wdata;
  newaddr := dmai.address(9 downto 0);
  inc := decode(dmai.size);
  if incaddr > 0 then
    -- pragma translate_off
    if not is_x(haddr(9 downto 0)) then
      -- pragma translate_on
      --newaddr := haddr(9 downto 0) + inc(2 downto 0);
        ( and dmai.burst and not r.retry) = '1' and
        ahbi.hready = '1'
      ) then
        newaddr := r_newaddr + inc(2 downto 0);
        ( and dmai.burst and not r.retry) = '1' and
        ahbi.hready = '0'
      ) then
        newaddr := r_newaddr;
        newaddr := haddr(9 downto 0);
      end if;
      -- pragma translate_off
    end if;
    -- pragma translate_on
  end if;
  if dmai.burst = '1' then hburst := HBURST_INCR;
    else hburst := HBURST_SINGLE;
  end if;
  if dmai.start = '1' then
    if ( and dmai.burst and not r.retry) = '1' then
      htrans := HTRANS_SEQ; hburst := HBURST_INCR;
      haddr(9 downto 0) := newaddr;
      --Pini 091306_221315
      -- pragma translate_off
      --write(my_line, string'("dbg pini ahbmst htrans "));
      --write(my_line, htrans);
      --write(my_line, string'(" newaddr "));
      --write(my_line, newaddr);
      --write(my_line, string'(" inc "));
      --write(my_line, inc);
      --write(my_line, string'(" at "));
      --write(my_line, now);
      --writeline(output, my_line);
      -- pragma translate_on
    else htrans := HTRANS_NONSEQ; end if;
  else htrans := HTRANS_IDLE; end if;
  if = '1' then
    if ahbi.hready = '1' then
      case ahbi.hresp is
        when HRESP_OKAY => ready := '1';
        when HRESP_RETRY | HRESP_SPLIT=> retry := '1';
        when others => ready := '1'; mexc := '1';
      end case;
    end if;
    if ((ahbi.hresp = HRESP_RETRY) or (ahbi.hresp = HRESP_SPLIT)) then
      v.retry := not ahbi.hready;
    else v.retry := '0'; end if;
  end if;
  if r.retry = '1' then htrans := HTRANS_IDLE; end if;
  v.start := '0';
  if ahbi.hready = '1' then
    v.grant := ahbi.hgrant;
    if (htrans = HTRANS_NONSEQ) or (htrans = HTRANS_SEQ) then := r.grant; v.start := r.grant;
    else := '0';
    end if;
  end if;
  if rst = '0' then v.retry := '0'; := '0'; end if;
  rin <= v;
  i_newaddr <= newaddr;
  ahbo.haddr <= haddr;
  ahbo.htrans <= htrans;
  ahbo.hbusreq <= hbusreq;
  ahbo.hwdata <= dmai.wdata;
  ahbo.hlock <= '0';
  ahbo.hwrite <= dmai.write;
  ahbo.hsize <= '0' & dmai.size;
  ahbo.hburst <= hburst;
  ahbo.hprot <= "0011"; -- non-cached supervisor data
  dmao.start <= r.start; <=;
  dmao.ready <= ready;
  dmao.mexc <= mexc;
  dmao.retry <= retry;
  dmao.haddr <= newaddr;
  dmao.rdata <= ahbi.hrdata;
  --Pini 091406_212820
  -- pragma translate_off
  dbg_ahb_rdo <= ready;
  -- pragma translate_on
end process;
regs : process(clk)
  if rising_edge(clk) then
    r <= rin;
    r_newaddr <= i_newaddr;
  end if;
end process;




simualation Control from CPU in SOC

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Another project is an AHB VHDL project, made of two AHB masters, one arbiter, one AHB to APB bridge and one simple APB slave. If you are interested in this project as a graduate project, contact me via mail and put in the subject: non free AHB project.
AHB project

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