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ASIC/FPGA Design and Verification Out Source Services

Miscellaneous Digital HW

The following presents some small VERILOG/VHDL/SPECMAN designs:

VHDL and VERILOG memory models.............................. memory model
my first experience with verilator.......................... my first.
an hierarchical DUT + time handeling cpp bench verilator.... my second.
fastest FIFO - verilator project............................ fast FIFO.
fastest FIFO - verilator project............................ DPI data drive.
verilator some problems (and fix) in driving DUT............ public_flat_rw

SD slave with Samsung flash VHDL ........................... SD project
CPU 8051 translation from VHDL to verilog. ................. CPU free project
USB PHY. ................................................... USB free project
Improving The LEON2-XST PCI Interface. ..................... PCI free project
I2C master connected and tested with LEON Processor. ....... I2C free project
VHDL (DUT + TB)- simple UART, tested with GHDL ............. UART free

Simple example for writing BFM and virtual sequences........ Sequences
VHDL + specman verification eVC for open core UDP/IP........ UDP IP free
VHDL - layers of a standard TCP/IP stack ................... IP STACK free
Free verilog code for a SLAVE SD ........................... SD free project
CPU 8051 translation from VHDL to verilog. ................. CPU free project
USB PHY. ................................................... USB free project
Improving The LEON2-XST PCI Interface. ..................... PCI free project
I2C master connected and tested with LEON Processor. ....... I2C free project
VHDL (DUT + TB)- simple UART, tested with GHDL ............. UART free

specman eRM- simple UART, tested with ncsim ................ UART free

A simple synchronization between two clock domains.......... Specman Tip
This tip suggest a way to debug coverage.................... Specman Tip
Mirroring some verilog signals into a vhdl test-bench....... Specman Tip
Passing Information From a Monitor to a Reference Model .... Specman Tip
Controlling the message logger.............................. Specman Tip
Controlling e-manager ...................................... e-manager Tip
Specman how code style affects performance ................. Specman Tip
Specman end of test......................................... Specman Tip
Specman Reference Model .................................... Specman Tip
Specman generate a specman portmap from a VHDL ............. script
Specman simple scoreboard................................... example
Specman Sending an Item to Reference Model.................. Specman Tip
Specman E1 CRC-4 calculation................................ example
drive a specman state (enumerated type) to wave............. example
Using AWK like regular expression within specman............ example

My First systemC program.................................... My First systemC
systemC debug with SC_TIME Tip.............................. SC_TIME Tip
Simple multiplier and a test-bench in systemC .............. SCmult
ETHERNET packet scv RANDOMIZATION in systemC ............... SCV_packet

multi protocol packet c++ generator......................... link
My first simple self study cpp programs..................... link
systemc parameterized CRC module............................ example
ETHERNET CRC (FCS) SystemC code............................. FCS
ETHERNET CRC (FCS) SystemC code............................. FCS

FFT systemC project - 8 point FFT - DIT algorithm .......... FFT free code
systemC butterfly for an FFT ............................... SCbutterfly
Complex Multiplier using only three multipliers ............ Multiplier

A reference model in systemc using queues, from C++ STD .... SCc++Qu
systemC dual port RAM model ................................ SCdpram
systemC FFT first stage -data store- ....................... SC data store

SCV example for an AIS detector............................. SCV AIS
SCV system C test bench example............................. SCV TB AIS
SCV scv_pop_constraint compile ............................. SCV compilation

SYSC_tlm2_getting_started_4_MM ............................. memory management
SYSC simple bus example release............................. SC simple bus

Specman/Verilog Code/Examples .............................. Examples
Digital Design Basics ...................................... Doc
Verilog Coding Guidelines................................... Guide
VPI: My First VPI Program to access verilog reg............. my first VPI.
VPI: C-Program to access a verilog memory array............. array acces VPI
VPI: C-Programming to drive/collect data from I2C DUT....... VPI drive mon
VHPI: C-interfaces and extensions for VHDL (GHDL)........... Examples
VHPI: C-code to generate random numbers VHDL (GHDL)......... rand function
VHPI: A memory model, for VHDL design (c and Glib).......... Glib memory

Displaying State Machine Data With ASCII. .................. Display
Record array in VHDL using free simulator GHDL.............. record tip
A simple guide describing how to print from VHDL code. ..... print tip
The importance of stop on fatal error using VHDL. .......... vhdl tip
Printing the instance name from a VHDL. .................... instance name
How to print debug message from VHDL........................ debug print
Random numbers from within the VHDL bench................... random generator
A VHDL example implementing list using is access............ vhdl list
A VHDL example to read data to list and drive it to DUT..... file to list
Use vhdl wait to select between prcesses.................... process select
Test control from a VHDL test bench......................... bench control
Test control in a VHDL UDP project.......................... p_2 control
Spoofed packet block VHDL IP filter......................... IP filter
reference model using vhdl linked lists..................... vhdl linked list

To synchronize or not to synchronize an asynchronous reset.. Tip

Debugging an AMBA based SOC design.......................... AMBA debug Tip
Simulation Control from CPU in SOC.......................... simulation Tip
Compiler object dump to verilog readmemh 1.................. simulation Tip
Compiler object dump to verilog readmemh 2.................. simulation Tip
A basic verification for host CPU registers ................ Register_Verification



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