ASIC/FPGA Design and Verification Out Source Services
Miscellaneous Digital HW
The following presents some small VERILOG/VHDL/SPECMAN designs:
VHDL and VERILOG memory models.............................. memory model
my first experience with verilator.......................... my first.
an hierarchical DUT + time handeling cpp bench verilator.... my second.
fastest FIFO - verilator project............................ fast FIFO.
fastest FIFO - verilator project............................ DPI data drive.
verilator some problems (and fix) in driving DUT............ public_flat_rw
SD slave with Samsung flash VHDL ........................... SD project CPU 8051 translation from VHDL to verilog. ................. CPU free project USB PHY. ................................................... USB free project Improving The LEON2-XST PCI Interface. ..................... PCI free project I2C master connected and tested with LEON Processor. ....... I2C free project VHDL (DUT + TB)- simple UART, tested with GHDL ............. UART free
Simple example for writing BFM and virtual sequences........ Sequences VHDL + specman verification eVC for open core UDP/IP........ UDP IP free VHDL - layers of a standard TCP/IP stack ................... IP STACK free Free verilog code for a SLAVE SD ........................... SD free project CPU 8051 translation from VHDL to verilog. ................. CPU free project USB PHY. ................................................... USB free project Improving The LEON2-XST PCI Interface. ..................... PCI free project I2C master connected and tested with LEON Processor. ....... I2C free project VHDL (DUT + TB)- simple UART, tested with GHDL ............. UART free
specman eRM- simple UART, tested with ncsim ................ UART free
A simple synchronization between two clock domains.......... Specman Tip
This tip suggest a way to debug coverage.................... Specman Tip
Mirroring some verilog signals into a vhdl test-bench....... Specman Tip
Passing Information From a Monitor to a Reference Model .... Specman Tip
Controlling the message logger.............................. Specman Tip
Controlling e-manager ...................................... e-manager Tip
Specman how code style affects performance ................. Specman Tip
Specman end of test......................................... Specman Tip
Specman Reference Model .................................... Specman Tip
Specman generate a specman portmap from a VHDL ............. script
Specman simple scoreboard................................... example
Specman Sending an Item to Reference Model.................. Specman Tip
Specman E1 CRC-4 calculation................................ example
drive a specman state (enumerated type) to wave............. example
Using AWK like regular expression within specman............ example
My First systemC program.................................... My First systemC systemC debug with SC_TIME Tip.............................. SC_TIME Tip Simple multiplier and a test-bench in systemC .............. SCmult ETHERNET packet scv RANDOMIZATION in systemC ............... SCV_packet
multi protocol packet c++ generator......................... link
My first simple self study cpp programs..................... link
systemc parameterized CRC module............................ example ETHERNET CRC (FCS) SystemC code............................. FCS ETHERNET CRC (FCS) SystemC code............................. FCS
FFT systemC project - 8 point FFT - DIT algorithm .......... FFT free code systemC butterfly for an FFT ............................... SCbutterfly Complex Multiplier using only three multipliers ............ Multiplier
A reference model in systemc using queues, from C++ STD .... SCc++Qu systemC dual port RAM model ................................ SCdpram systemC FFT first stage -data store- ....................... SC data store

SCV example for an AIS detector............................. SCV AIS
SCV system C test bench example............................. SCV TB AIS
SCV scv_pop_constraint compile ............................. SCV compilation
SYSC_tlm2_getting_started_4_MM ............................. memory management
SYSC simple bus example release............................. SC simple bus
Specman/Verilog Code/Examples .............................. Examples Digital Design Basics ...................................... Doc Verilog Coding Guidelines................................... Guide VPI: My First VPI Program to access verilog reg............. my first VPI. VPI: C-Program to access a verilog memory array............. array acces VPI VPI: C-Programming to drive/collect data from I2C DUT....... VPI drive mon VHPI: C-interfaces and extensions for VHDL (GHDL)........... Examples VHPI: C-code to generate random numbers VHDL (GHDL)......... rand function
VHPI: A memory model, for VHDL design (c and Glib).......... Glib memory
Displaying State Machine Data With ASCII. .................. Display
Record array in VHDL using free simulator GHDL.............. record tip
A simple guide describing how to print from VHDL code. ..... print tip
The importance of stop on fatal error using VHDL. .......... vhdl tip
Printing the instance name from a VHDL. .................... instance name
How to print debug message from VHDL........................ debug print
Random numbers from within the VHDL bench................... random generator
A VHDL example implementing list using is access............ vhdl list
A VHDL example to read data to list and drive it to DUT..... file to list
Use vhdl wait to select between prcesses.................... process select
Test control from a VHDL test bench......................... bench control
Test control in a VHDL UDP project.......................... p_2 control
Spoofed packet block VHDL IP filter......................... IP filter
reference model using vhdl linked lists..................... vhdl linked list
To synchronize or not to synchronize an asynchronous reset.. Tip